PLC platformSLC500SLC500SLC500SLC500
Position sensorresolverresolverresolverresolver
Number of channels(1) channel(1) channel(1) channel(1) channel
Max. full scale count4096409640964096
Output update time100us100us100us100us
Tachometer update time504ms or 120ms504ms or 120ms504ms or 120ms504ms or 120ms
Tachometer resolution1 RPM1 RPM1 RPM1 RPM
DC supply requirements195 mA @ 5Vdc
35 mA @ 24Vdc450 mA @ 5Vdc
55 mA @ 24Vdc450 mA @ 5Vdc
55 mA @ 24Vdc450 mA @ 5Vdc
55 mA @ 24Vdc
Number of I/O
RB=Relay BoardD=6 out/ 4 in
B=16 out/16 in
B=16 out/16 in
RB=8 out/8 inD=na
B=16 out/16 in
RB=16 out/16 in
Operating modes
-GroupI: outputs function as a cam switch
G: outputs combined & conditioned by a single input I: outputs function as a cam switch
G: outputs combined & conditioned by a single input I: outputs function as a cam switch
G: outputs combined & conditioned by a single input I: outputs function as a cam switch
G: outputs combined & conditioned by a single input
Transducer compatibilityH25 / HT-6 /
HT-20 /
HT-400 / HT-20-(x) / R11X-J10/7H25 / HT-6 /
HT-20 /
HT-400 / HT-20-(x) / R11X-J10/7H25 / HT-6 /
HT-20 /
HT-400 / HT-20-(x) / R11X-J10/7H25 / HT-6 /
HT-20 /
HT-400 / HT-20-(x) / R11X-J10/7
Cable requirementsCTL-XCTL-XCTL-X and CRP-XCTL-X and CRP-X
Required hardwarenanarelay board and relaysrelay board and relays
Optional hardwarenananana