
PROFINET Configuration & Programming

The (3) tutorials below will take you step by step through the process of adding an AMCI drive to the PROFINET network, and will guide you through the basic moves with AMCI stepper drives & servo drives residing on the PROFINET network.

tutorial 1


Adding an amci drive to the profinet network

Watch and learn how to set up an AMCI drive for Profinet protocol, download & install GSDML file, add the drive to the Profinet network, configure drive & assign name, compile & download to a PLC.

Duration 10:53


tutorial 2


basic moves with an amci stepper drive that resides in the profinet network

Watch and learn how to download sample programs, configure the stepper drive, add components from the library, compile & downloading the project to the PLC, and perform basic moves.

Duration 24:29


tutorial 3


Basic moves with an AMCI servo drive residing in a PROFINET network

Watch and learn how to download sample programs, configure the servo drive, add components from the library, compile & downloading the project to the PLC, and perform basic moves.

Duration 23:34








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